Taylor Creek Park
The Taylor Massey Project
Reach A1
Creek Park constitutes an unusually broad and green oasis running
about 4 kilometres through the middle of East York, from Dawes Road
all the way to "The Forks", the area where Taylor Massey
Creek, The East Don, and The West Don all merge. The area offers
something for everyone: paved path, mown lawn, barbeque areas and
picnic tables, small wetlands, well-treed slopes, areas being naturalized,
and two off-shooting habitat treasures: the Ferris and Curity Ravines.
Unfortunately, the reach is severely challenged ecologically, with
several combined sewer overflows, probable leachate trickling from
old landfills sites, severe gabion basket failure, narrow riparian
plantings, one major fish barrier, and non-native species establishing
a foothold.
To help
deal with such a long reach, the TMP has broken it into two sub-sections:
- Reach
A1a, which we have called Stan Wadlow, runs from Dawes
Road to the O'Connor bridge, and the whole area has been identified
as an Environmentally Significant Area, or ESA.
- A1b,
Parkview Hills, runs from the bridge to the Forks. Please
see the sections below.
Reach Issues:
A1b - Parkview Hills
- Extensive storm flows need to be moderated
- Heavy erosion requires extensive channel form naturalization
- Area has one fish barrier
- The TMP hopes WWF will help eliminate non-native species,
increase riparian plantings, and create small wetlands.
Reach Issues:
A1a - Stan Wadlow
- Area has several priority outfalls and combined sewer
outfalls to be addressed
- Heavy erosion requires extensive channel form naturalization
- Seepage from old landfills needs to be contained
- The TMP hopes WWF will help eliminate non-native species,
increase riparian plantings, and create small wetlands
- One Reach Stewardship group has been created, and can
be contacted at StanWadlow@theTMP.org.
- Another group is needed for Parkview Hills: contact
us at Eco@theTMP.org
if you can help.
- See the Calendar for
annual event information.
Sub-reach Photos (2002)